Greece! Finally! And Warmer Weather!

Today has been an extremely busy day and it’s not over yet. Renata and I woke up about 4:50 am so we could be ready to walk down to Sorrento to catch the train. With the camp being on the outskirts of town, it would take us some time to get to the train station. It only took us ten minutes to be out the door and heading towards town. It was a struggle for me to make it to the train station since my pack was heavier then usual. I had food in the pack which I had bought for the trip and a blanket which I plan to use on the ferry to Greece. I thought I was going to fall over from carrying so much in my pack. We made it to the train station about 5:45 am, bought our tickets to Naples where we would have to switch trains to Brindisi. Finally boarded the train. Oh, on the way to the train station, there was a dog following us and when we boarded the train, so did he. He finally got off the train at Naples. The train from Sorrento was supposed to leave at 6:25 am but it ended up leaving at 6:10 am. Good thing we arrived early or we would have missed it.

Arrived in Naples about 7:35 am and had to get our tickets for Brindisi. We were issued two tickets because we would have to switch trains in Casarta. And guess what! This train also left early. Good thing we arrived early for every train we needed to take. Then we took the Eurostar from Casarta to Brindisi and that took us about four hours and fifteen minutes. Finally arrived in Brindisi at 1:45 pm. I couldn’t believe we were told not to stay in ‘sleazy’ Brindisi for even one night because the place seemed fine to me. They had flowers in the middle of the road and the whole place seemed clean to me. Nothing like how I was picturing it.

We arrived at Blue Star Ferries and had to wait for the place to open since Italy is really into their siestas meaning they will close the shops in the middle of the day. Some from Blue Star Ferries was able to help us at 4:00 pm. Turns out we weren’t able to get our tickets from the office in town. We had to go to the Blue Star Ferries office at the port to exchange our busabout vouchers for tickets to board the ferry. Yay, we are finally on our way. Can’t believe I am on my way to Greece. Thinking of staying in Greece for ten days before I head into Romania (remember things change when you take a trip like this because I never did make it to Romania). Will be on the ferry for close to fifteen hours before arriving in Greece close to 10:00 am tomorrow.