IPhone Headphone Case

Do you get frustrated when you rummage through your purse and can’t find your headphones to your cellphone? What about putting said headphones in your backpack and the same thing happens? You just can’t find them and you want to listen to music on your phone; can’t listen to anything because your earbuds are misplaced. What about finding them but they are tangled up in your purse and you have a hard time untangling them? Frustration begins to set in because of this. There is a solution to the misplacement, rummaging through your purse or finding a tangled wad of earbuds at the bottom of your bag.

Did you know there are IPhone cases that are made specifically with headphones in mind? I didn’t know that either until I heard there are cases made that holds your earbuds securely in place on the back of the case.

The IPhone case that holds headphones is priced at 24.95 which includes royal mail international standard or 29.95 which includes royal mail international tracked and signed. Prices are listed in pounds since the case ships from Haslemere, Surrey, United Kingdom.


  • Comes in many colors i.e. Blue Topaz and Black, Orange Popsicle and Black, Frost Grey and Black, Lime Green and Black, Fiery Red and Black. I chose the Lime Green since this is the last color of the case I had for my phone
  • Keeps headphones in place; no tangling of chord
  • Fast delivery; ships from the United Kingdom but received in less than two weeks


  • Hard to remove case; tried to remove it to put my other case back on after my walk. It took a bit longer then I thought it would to remove it but I was finally able to take the case off


The case does come with instructions which is great in helping figure out how to put the headphones on the back of the case. Now you are ready to head out the door for the day with your headphones within reach when you want to listen to music. No more tangling chords in the bottom of your purse or sometimes for me in my pocket when I wasn’t using them during my walks.


The IPhone case for my headphones is great when I am on my walks. Now if I was using the case long-term then I would need to invest in a screen protector for the phone itself. It doesn’t come with one and you would need one to protect your screen.

If interested in a cellphone case that can help keep your earbuds in one place and tangle free, you can purchase them directly through Dome8 .

Disclosure of Material Connection: I was not financially compensated for this post. I received a free sample from Dome8  for consideration of review purposes only. This is solely my opinion/experience