Overnight in Munich

Today was a really long day. I didn’t realize the trip from Paris to Munich would be fifteen hours long. Patrick left for Munich too. So we hung out for another day on the bus and shared a cabin when we got to Munich since we already knew each other. I met some other people on the bus. Ye from China, Ryan from Massachusetts, Evie and Sarah from Australia, Renata from Canada and Cory from San Francisco (he happens to be one of the Busabout tour guides). Mark was our other tour guide. We arrived at the campground about 10:30 pm where I will be staying the night before heading onto Venice in the morning.

Just about everyone from the bus bought Lowenbrau beer and we went to the common room and sat around talking and drinking for a couple of hours. Then, I headed back to the cabin to try and get some sleep. It was hard to sleep since the cabin was cold and I didn’t have a blanket with me. I even had the heater on but it was still cold. I guess this is what they call roughing it.