Last Day in Zdunska Wola …… Finally!

I didn’t do too much today since it was cold and dreary looking outside. It’s my last day in Zdunska Wola before I leave for Krakow tomorrow. I am hoping I will have a better day visiting with my Uncle then I have the last couple of days.

We actually had a pretty decent day today since he didn’t bring up the ‘weight’ factor. We talked or mainly he did most of the talking and I listened. He seems to be really down on America saying that the border patrol are not doing anything about the spanish getting across the border. He says that in time over half the population will be spanish. I didn’t say anything. What could I say? Except that I love where I live …… Going to all of these countries made me open my eyes to what is out there and made me see things in a new light. Definitely made me realize I really need to learn another language. No one should expect other places to know english because it is the universal language. I did try and say something in different languages when I was visiting all of these places because I feel it is rude to think someone else is going to know english just because you speak it.

Uncle John gave me $500 because he wanted to make sure I had enough money for the remainder of my trip. I told him I had brought enough money for the trip to get me through until I get home. He said he wanted me to have the money in case I saw something I wanted and then I wouldn’t worry about not having enough money to buy it.

Found out today was his birthday. He turned 81. I never knew he was born in May. I don’t remember dad ever calling him on his birthday. I will have to remember this for next year. We went next door so I could say bye to Lucy’s daughter and grandchildren who have been in and out of the house since I have been here. I ended up not getting to sleep until 9:30 pm and had to wake up at 2:30 the next morning to get ready to leave for Krakow.