Follow Up Interview: Daniel and Audrey From Uncornered Market

1) 2013 Year in Review for Uncornered Market: What You May Have Liked and Didn’t Like

Last year was a pretty full year for us in terms of travel, speaking and other projects. When I put together our 2013 round-up post even I was a bit surprised by how much of the world we had been able to visit and the diversity of destinations we traveled through in 2013. Feel very fortunate to have had the opportunity to see so much of our world last year and to work with interesting organizations along the way. Another thing that went well in 2013 was that we transitioned into professional (e.g., paid) speaking, which was one of the goals for the year.

2) Part B of 2013 Review: If You Could Have a Do-Over for the Year then What Would it Be and Why?

We would have taken more time to be still (i.e., not travel) to focus on writing for longer-form projects (e.g., books, workbooks, white papers, etc.). We had hoped to release an ebook in the fall, but it is not pushed back to early this year because we didn’t have the discipline and space to get it done in the midst of all the travel and other projects. Additionally, we would have tried to have spent more time in Berlin (our base) in the summertime – it’s the best time of year to be here, and we were away on trips for most of this time.

2) What to Expect from Uncornered Market in 2014

We will continue to travel and write about travel and destinations, but expect to see more in the personal growth category. The idea is how can we take the lessons and skills we’ve learned from travel and apply them to “regular life.” We also will have a new look on the site in the early part of the year – yes, after 7 years the site is finally getting an upgrade! And, expect a series of ebooks or resources released throughout the year.

Click on this link to check out Daniel and Audrey’s blog Uncornered Market