On My Way to Venice

Camping Fusina, Venice
Camping Fusina, Venice

I left Munich and headed to Venice where I will be staying for three nights. We went through three countries to get to Venice. When we left Munich, we stopped in St. Johann, Austria to drop off some people and then went onto Venice from there. I met some more people on busabout. Lilly from Louisiana, Julie from Chicago and Rayanan from Australia. Ye was also headed to Venice with us. We arrived at Camping Fusina about 6:30 pm and decided to head to the store first since we found out we would need toilet paper for the bathrooms. While in the store, we bought three bottles of wine and ordered some pizza’s to take with us. Since Camping Fusina is not located directly in Venice, we didn’t head over there tonight since the ferry only runs at certain times. So, we headed down to the water to eat the pizza and wine we had purchased from the store. After dinner, we headed to the bar for awhile and drank some more. I ended up ordering an illusion which is made with midori, vodka and pineapple. Delish! We might have this back in the states but this is the first time I had tried it. After hanging out for awhile, I headed back to the caravan about 12:30 am.