The Path That You Choose

I heard this song ‘Now’ on the radio today. Didn’t even know the title but I loved the lyrics and what they conveyed. Here are the words to the song that I found on this site.

When you’ve come to a fork in the road
You can almost  taste it
And never knowing which way to go
It’s nothing tested
All  alone you try to take it, to fake it
And there’s a road less traveled taken
Or forsakenNow
It’s up to you
The path that you choose
Gotta do something different
It’s all the same
No one to blame
Gotta do something different
NowSo you head down the road that  you chose
Just to pushing forward
And the window is trying to close
Just to shut you out
And all alone you try to take it, to fake it
And  there’s the road less traveled taken
Or forsakenNow
It’s up to  you
The path that you choose
Gotta do something different
It’s all the same
No one to blame
Gotta do something different

Something different

It’s up to you
The path that you choose
Gotta do something different
It’s all the same
No one to blame
Gotta do something different

It’s up to you
The path  that you choose
Gotta do something different
Gotta do something  different

So when I got home I had to find out who sung this song because the words could be about anything you are trying to do in your life. Be it work, moving cross country or even the other side of town, vacation, or uprooting your life. Uprooting your life could be anything from starting a new job in another state or quitting your job and moving to another country and taking a job there or backpacking through other countries. Doesn’t even have to do with work but having fun going from country to country and experiencing more that life has to offer.

I found out that this song is by Staind and I am sure the words are meant to be about something else entirely. But how I interpreted them to be about their being forks in the road and you can choose one path and it takes you in one direction or you could choose another path and you go in another direction. For instance, one path I chose years ago took me to New Jersey as a nanny. When that path or life as a nanny ended I had a new path, a new choice to make. At the time I had two choices to choose from and they were moving back to Wisconsin or moving out to California. I chose California and in choosing this path, it led me to working in Yosemite National Park. Who knows where I would be if I chose the path back to Wisconsin. Who knows if that choice would have brought me to Ireland or backpacking through Europe because in choosing the path I chose it took me to places I never thought I would see. Travelling to all of these amazing places. I really don’t think that would have happened if I chose a different path for myself.

We all have to make choices in life. We are the only ones who can choose the path that is right for us. Each path, each fork in the road that we come to, continue to mold us into the people we are. The path I chose molded me from a shy, quiet girl into a much stronger and definitely adventurous person who could go out into the world on her own and not be afraid of what was out there.

So go out there. Make those choices. Know that there will always be forks in the road and you have to decide whether to go left or right but whatever you decide it will be an adventure in itself.